Friday, January 20, 2017

Ben Affleck!! You know what I mean!

You know what I mean!
I think this is the most suitable quote from Ben himself to start this blog!

A movie star who has been cursed with the media
Who has risen to stardom no once but twice
who have a lot of haters for just no good reasons
Who is constantly being bashed for any new project even it was BATMAN!!
Who is never scared to loud out his ideas, even they are not mainstream
Who hides his ancestors background for being ashamed of a history of more than a 100 years ago
Who has a lot of philosophical ideas about life yet is a sports fanatic (for Boston!)
Who did a lot of unsuccessful but yet lovely and some are great movies!!
Who is traumatized by his father yet is a great dad!
Who was once engaged to a Jennifer, but they broke up , so guess what he married another Jennifer!!
Who is a brilliant director, and a great screen writer, producer, actor, editor, etc. name it anything movie business , yet is so bashed by critics ALL the time!!!!

So, may be now
You could know what I mean!!

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